Release Info 3.3

Release 3.3 Foreword

This version is not just a simple bugfix, but it is much more, we are adding a lot of new, cool features to Go Pricing!

It’s been 3 years since we have first published Go Pricing plugin, and during this time we have received countless of feedback from you.

We appreciate this feedback a lot, as it helps of to deliver the product that you will love to use, and after all, it is you who use the product the most!

We have optimised the look and feel of the Admin Interface across the plugin, which is more capable and easier to use now.

So what’s new?
We have revamped the admin features, the design and the usability in general. And in this feature we are introducing Animations, which will make your tables more vibrant and engaging!

Go Pricing plugin remains the leader, and it takes a giant leap into the future to give you nothing but the best!

All New Dashboard

The key features have been added into an all new menu on the top of the dashboard screen.


You can now easily Create, Import, Export, Access Help and Settings with one simple click.

The table shortcode is now visible in the Header if a single table is selected.

Bulk feature table now shows the number of selected tables. This will help you to always see how many tables you are working with.

Table Editor Page


Once you save the table the shortcode will appear.

Brand New to this version: Animations

Choose any from the 39 amazing transitions to give some vibe to your tables! You can edit the animation settings with 2-3 simple clicks, for each and every column according to your taste.

Duration and Delay features will help you to fine tune them to each other. You may find examples in the purchasable content.

Animations are compatible with every existing tables.

Reimagine your old Go Pricing tables by adding animations, so that they will be vibrant and engaging!


Each of the animations can be used together or independently.

There are two types of animations:

 1. Column Transition
 2. Price Counter


Setting up Animations
Animations have to be enabled globally first (on table level), which you can do at the table settings.

As written earlier you can set Transition of the column and and Price Counter for the price within the column.

Once the Animations are set, you can individually configure it for each columns. You will find Animation toolbar where as seen on the below picture.

Setting Transition for the Column

  • Transition: The type of the animation that will be used for the given column
  • Duration (ms): The length of the animation, added in ms
  • Delay (ms): The animation of the column will start later, according to the value that you specify here
    – You can configure each column to appear (animate) after each other, in this case you should add a delay to each column, and take each columns duration into consideration
    – Added in ms, 1000ms = 1sec
  • Easing: Or timing as it’s sometimes called, describes how the animation will proceed over time

There are 4 items that you can fine tune, when adding a Transition. Choose any from the 39 predefined transitions.


You can set a different type of transition for each and every column so that they complement the animation experience.

You will need to enable Animations on global level first so that you can then use them for columns. You can do this in the Table General Settings.

Setting Counter Animation for the Column

  • Enable Counter: You can switch on the counter for the column’s price
  • Initial Value: The starter value from where the price will start to count
  • Duration (ms): The time it will take to count from the Initial value to the Prize that is set for the column
  • Delay (ms): The counter will start to count with a delay, that you can specify here
    – You can configure each column to count after each other, in this case you should add a delay to each column, and take each columns duration into consideration
    – Added in ms, 1000ms = 1sec
  • Easing: Or timing as it’s sometimes called, describes how the animation will proceed over time


Price type should be “Price” in the Header to enable counter animation!

Column Decorations


You can now create text based (CSS) ribbons, not just image based ones. The text based ribbons can of course their unique colours, fonts and sizes defined as per the CSS.

Font Handling


The Default Font can be individually changed from what was configured here for a button, a label, a text, etc.


The Default Font is inherited from the template, this will be then implied for all the components of the table. If you want, you can overwrite the default font family at the table settings.

Editor Popup Tabbing

The popup now has tabs where you can handle features separately. You can now edit the General configuration for the rows on a dedicated tab to distinguish these settings from the Style configuration.


Similarly the Style settings for the rows is on its own tab.

Enhancements to the Editor Popup

Some great features have been added to make the Editor Popup easier to use. In fact this was a feature that was requested by many of you, so we are more than happier to hand this over to the community!

Changes made in the Editor Popup can be automatically saved if you enable the bellow settings.


You can switch off and on these features separately from each other. If you decide to switch these off, the configuration changes will be saved once you click on the Apply button.


Setting Editor Popup

  • Apply on close: If you close the Editor Popup the changes you have made to it will be automatically saved
    – You do not need to click on apply button any more
    – The Popup can be closed with the ESC key or with the close icon also
  • Apply on action: After each and every interaction – action (creating new or cloning rows or opening different row content) that you do while configuring in the Editor Popup, will be automatically saved!
    – There is no need to click on the apply button any more
  • Open new row: This feature is of course different from the auto saving feature, but you can enable it from the same place
    – If you click on the ‘Add row’ button or creating a new one using Clone, the new row will be automatically opened in a new Popup

Update Page

The new plugin Update Notification and built-in Update functionality allows you to easily update your add-ons using the Update page


If you do not have any additional Add-on installed for Go Pricing your Update page should look like this now.


In case you are using Add-ons with Go Pricing, you will be able to select which component you would like to update.


The component can be selected from a Dropdown Menu.

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